Alliance Lawyers: a response to an identifiable need
Who can you contact if you are faced with litigation or you need legal advice?
Having experienced just such a situation abroad, the founders of Alliance Lawyers decided to develop a network of recommended lawyers.
As a result, Alliance Lawyers was founded in 2012 by two members of the Geneva Bar Association, Florian Baier and Florence Sager-Koenig.
Alliance Lawyers also promotes the development of relationships between participating lawyers. As part of a network, member lawyers support each other in striving for professional excellence.
A reliable network for clients
The trust placed in members of the network is based on a fourfold foundation
- Each member lawyer is committed to our professional charter (see “Our Commitment”).
- Alliance Lawyers has established a relationship with every member lawyer and has approved each application.
- Each member lawyer has been proposed by a referee.
- In order to remain a member, each lawyer is expected to respect our charter over time.